Lauren Hutton Aging With Edge

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The spring ad campaign for Bottega Veneta featuring Lauren Hutton proves that woman of a certain age can still have an edge. The 73-year-old Hutton remains true to her free spirit and well defined sense of style. She’s an inspiration for many woman, myself included, on how to age well.

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Seeing the ad over and over again prompted me to dig up recent photos of Hutton in an attempt to decipher how she remains youthful and spirited while never trying to hide her age. She’s the master of this paradox but I think the deceptively simple recipe for ageing gracefully à la Lauren comes down to this:


-Stay active and physically fit, clothes will look better on you and you’ll feel better.

-Own your hair, but don’t skimp on the maintenance.

-Be true to your own personal style and apply it to current fashion, not the other way around.

-Enhance your beauty rather than hide your age.

-Be happy.

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Do this and you too can rock a leather skirt and skinny sweater at any age!

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