This year the Halloween decorations on the Upper East Side are markedly low key and even tasteful. I think the forces of evil are so pleased with 2018 that they’re chill about the need to terrify this year. It’s interesting to see the progression from 2016, when the horror factor reached its zenith, just before Trump was elected. Could there be a connection? Here as an encore, my post from last October. For this year’s decorations go to primadarling on Instagram
Halloween 2017
This Halloween season there’s a marked decline in the sheer volume of elaborately staged tableaux of horror gracing the prime real estate of the Upper East Side. Could it be the forces of evil that command this honor are appeased this year? The devil got his due last November so perhaps he’s chill this year with the Halloween decorations. Maybe it’s a sign to get out of the market before the bottom drops out. Quite possibly I’m reading too much into it, after all there are still plenty of Halloween spectacles to be had.