Too Many Cats!

Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney pre-fall

What’s up with all those cats that are now gracing the cashmeres and silks of the highest echelon of the luxury goods market? Sure I like cats as much as the next guy, though I’m a dog lover first and foremost. I would never intentionally harm a cat, as a lover of all creatures, but having never owned a cat I don’t have that personal relationship to the species. That said I do find them a bit aloof if not condescending.

Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney pre-fall

Maybe this has something to do with two traumatic childhood experiences involving cats that have left their indelible mark on my psyche. The first happened when I was around 4 years old. I was spending the day at my grandparent’s house and to amuse myself I decided to put on a show for the neighbor’s pair of Siamese cats, who were watching my every move as I played on the front lawn. My show required props to act as pom-poms. In the absence of actual pom-poms I tore off two low-lying branches laden with leaves from a tree. As soon as I began to shake my branch pom- poms I was swarmed with bees. I had disturbed a bee’s nest of a particularly nasty variety that stung and chased me into the house. It was terrifying. My grandmother brought me to the doctor who lived next door. Seated on the kitchen counter still sobbing, the doctor treated my multiple stings while across the kitchen the doctor’s cats, my audience, watched in indifferent, if not mocking, silence.

Gucci pre-fall
Gucci pre-fall

The second incident happened about a year later. I was waiting for the school bus that would bring me to kindergarten. The house nearest the bus stop had a cat that roamed freely. On this particular morning the cat seated himself at my feet and proceeded to stare up at me. I returned his gaze and a staring contest ensued. Then without warning the cat suddenly sprang up at me, claws splayed, making that aggressive cat noise they make. My mother sprung into action and saved me before much harm was done but again I was quite shaken.

Gucci fall not exactly a cat more like a panther but included because of the amount of play this sweater is getting!
Gucci fall  Not exactly a cat, more like a panther but included because of the amount of play this sweater is getting!
Gucci resort
Gucci resort

Now I really digress, enough of my recovered cat memories. The point is why are so many cats showing up on pricey designer goods? I personally find it quite kitsch and not worth the investment because trust me, next fall you won’t be caught dead wearing cats. Or am missing the point completely and is donning cats on expensive clothing exactly the tonic we need during tumultuous times? What do you think?

Marc Jacobs resort
Marc Jacobs resort
cat in sweater
They do grow on you!