Not that you can put a price on appreciation and love for that selfless, tireless, wonder woman otherwise known as mom. Here are PD’s Mother’s Day picks for reasonably priced tokens of admiration for the fashionably cool mom. But even more important, and here I’m getting a little preachy but bear with me, let her know how special she is all year long and on Mother’s Day treat her like the queen she is.
As a mother myself, please indulge me the above photo taken on Mother’s Day ten years ago with my youngest, Esme, who will be leaving the nest for college in August. The greatest gift of my life has been my two daughters. Their childhood seemed to go by in a blink of an eye and I’ll admit to missing those days when their little hands would automatically reach for mine as soon as we hit the streets. When they’re young you’re the center of their world. Slowly but surely they become independent and go off into the world without the need of your hand. That is as it should be, but I’ll always be nostalgic for those days. I think most mothers are. The upside is I couldn’t be more proud of the women they have grown into. To be a mother is hard work for sure, but the rewards are immeasurable.